The following pages contain the original documentation for the first version of Project Northstar, the latest version is here: Northstar 3.1
Pulled from
Note, this refence is for the initial Version 1 Release, however it has useful information for 3D printing in general and is still worth reading.
Use your slicer's part orientation tools to ensure flat contact with print surface. In Simplify 3D, it can be found in the menu "Edit > Place Surface On Bed"
The optics bracket is the most difficult part to FDM print. The toed-in optics and long thin beams require a tuned printer and large print bed (200x250mm). To reduce the chance for print failure, support material is manually removed where it is thin and tall (see image below). Furthermore, to alleviate the finishing work, the print is separated into 2 print profiles: fast and high-res. The high-res profile's goal is to reduce stepping on the near-horizontal crossbeam. Afterwards, a file and 220-grit sandpaper very quickly make the surface passable without the need for filler. Although printing the entire bracket with one profile also produces good brackets, this hybrid solution saved time and produced better results without much effort. Makes sense if a file and sand paper is already available.
All the optical components are mounted to this bracket. Take your time, be meticulous. It's crucial that care is taken in producing a good print. This will save time during calibration.
Print from: 0 - 5mm:
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
yes, 60% infill
Print from: 5 - 32mm:
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
yes, 40% infill
Print from: 32mm - end:
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
yes, 60%
Choose the correct halo for the Leap Motion module you're using. There are currently two variants: one for the released Leap Motion Controller and one for our custom ultra-wide FOV module not yet available.
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
Choose the matching lid for the halo you're using. There are currently two variants: one for the released Leap Motion Controller and one for our custom ultra-wide FOV module not yet available.
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
Only needed for the custom hand tracking module. If you're using the Leap Motion Controller inside a metal housing, you don't need this part.
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
Only needed for the custom hand tracking module. If you're using the Leap Motion Controller inside a metal housing, you don't need this part.
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
The print is done using multiple print profiles to minimize the need for support material. By printing the feature at a lower temperature the plastic can span longer distances without support. Also, align the print roughly as shown (~45 degrees) to prevent the support material from printing orthogonal to lip, which makes it harder to remove in post.
After printing, remove and clean up any support material so that the display slides in easily. We used a sharp chisel to scrap away any remaining plastic burs.
Check the lip of the part is flat and consistent throughout to prevent any extra light leaking from the edges of the LCD panels.
Optional step is tapping the screw holes to make sure any extra plastic is removed and the screws will fasten smoothly.
Print from: 0 - 3mm:
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
Print from: 3mm - end:
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
190 C
There are two styles of hinges to choose from depending on the headgear you're using.
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
layer height
20% rectilinear
top/bottom layers
perimeter walls
200 C
Pulled from
This Assembly Guide is for version 1 of the headset, for the most recent version click here
The purpose of this guide is to instruct, with access to a few common tools, how to make a Project North Star reference AR headset. It's aimed to be accessible and inexpensive to build, using as many off-the-shelf components and 3D-printed parts as possible. For now, several key components are custom-made (e.g. the reflectors, display driver board, and our custom ultra-wide hand tracking module), but we know that together we can find make some work-arounds and alternatives.
Although not a complete AR solution, Project North Star points to a future where the physical and virtual worlds blend together into a single magical experience. With it we hope to gather like-minded people and build that future together.
The headset is made up of three modular assemblies: the optics bracket, the headgear with hinges, and the halo (which contains all the electronics). This configuration has been very useful as we iterated on different parts. The parts are 3D printed using consumer grade 3D printers and materials, with a couple parts from McMaster-Carr. The goal is to have an easily reproduced AR headset that anyone can put together.
Ignoring the reflectors, you'll need to 3D print roughly 20+ hours of parts and cut, drill and tap aluminum bar stock. Nothing expensive or major requiring a machine shop, but a few tools are expected. Read below for the list.
We are exploring different possibilities for individuals to obtain reflectors.
These parts and this guide are still a work in progress
3D printer and software: MakerGear M2, Simplify3D, print profiles: Rsilver's M2 Simplify 3D optimized profiles, Thingiverse
Filament: eSun PLA+, Amazon
T6 Torx driver for thin-plastic screws Torx T6 driver, McMaster
Phillips driver for M2.5 screws Screwdriver Phillips #1 size, Amazon
M2.5 Screw thread tap *: M2.5 x 0.45 mm Thread Tap, McMaster
Hot glue gun (on low setting < 40W), for reflectors Hot glue gun, Amazon
Latex or Nitrile gloves (minimize fingerprints on optical components) Sterile gloves, Amazon
Optional: These are our favorite 3D print finishing tools (wire cutters, chisel, file, sand paper, hand drill, etc.)
BOM Ref.
Part Name
Leap Motion Controller
Display Driver
3.5-inch 120Hz LCDs
Acrylic reflectors
Self-tapping screws for plastic
1 pk
Machine screws M2.5 x 6mm
1 pk
Hinge fasteners, #10-32
1 pk ea.
Al. bar stock 10x3mm
12-in [300 mm]
3D printed parts
Depending on which Leap Motion hand tracking module you use, it will determine which sets of 3D prints you'll need. Check the 3D printing section for more details.
Retail Leap Motion Controller - Amazon -or- Custom ultra-wide tracking module
See the Electronics folder in the main repo for display driver schematics and firmware.
BOE produces 3.5-inch 1440*1600 modules and refers to them as VS035ZSM-NW0; however they are not listed publicly because they are only sold in large quantities. The panel listed as VS035ZSM-NH0 is no longer in production nor have we tested it with our driver board. On a broad level, it is possible to make the hardware more accessible through bulk orders of the core components, which is currently under exploration.
What may seem intimidating at first is conceptually very simple. One property of elipsoids is that all the light emitted from one focus reflects off its surface and focuses it to the second focus! Amazing. Therefore, to figure out the section of elipsoid needed in our AR application, we traced a ray backwards from the second focus, through a cellphone-sized.
The resultant elipsoid is defined by the following dimensions, chosen to allow a range of 3-to-5-inch LCD panels to be placed near the eye. The perimeter of the elipsoid section was decided on empirically by minimizing distortion with a larger prototype, then cropping to the reflected image. This large reflector was roughly 120x120mm, and the final ended up being around 75x75mm.
The reflectors are diamond-turned and milled from PMMA (a.k.a. acrylic). The outside surface needs an anti-reflective coating to prevent a secondary reflection from degrading the image. Indoors and subjectively, 50-50% (transmissive-reflective) anti-reflective coating provided the best results for us.
From the elipsoid definition, the reflectors need to be rotated and translated into position. We define the origin point as the midpoint between the two reflector foci, which should line up with the user's pupils:
Light and adjustable with rigid mount points. Several welder's mask headgear vendors were tested, but most failed to be rigid or comfortable for our applications. Their general design is made of injection-molded plastic features that tighten onto either side of a welding faceshield. Although it may be desireable for those features to be flexible and compliant for welding, our heavier AR assemblies caused the headgear to flex and/or dig into the users' head. Ouch. The following Miller branded model's had very little flex and generally comfortable. It really helps they're lightweight as well.
These two specific generations of headgears yielded the best results quickly, mounting evolving electronics on the most varied heads. The amount of adjustment points makes it work for the large majority of users.
Welding Replacement Headgear - Miller Generation IV for T94 Headgear, Amazon Part #260486 or Miller Replacement Headgear, Amazon Part #256174
The 3M Speedglas Utility headgear was the first headgear we used for North Star prototypes. At the time, the optics would bounce around, causing the reflected image to shake wildly as we moved around. We minimized this by switching to the stiffer Miller headgear and continued other improvements for several months. However, the 3M headgear was sorely missed, as it was simple to put-on and less intimidating for demos. Since then we added cheek alignment features, which solved the image bounce, and therefore makes sense to bring back this design as a supplement to the release headgear. The headgear and optics are interchangeable, only the hinges need to match the headgear.
Welding Replacement Headgear - 3M Speedglas Welding Helmet Headband, Amazon
Machine screws, 10-32 Thread Size, 7/8" Long "Steel Button Head Hex Drive Screw" - McMaster #92949a270 Matching nuts, 10-32 Thread Size, Stainless "Steel Nylon-Insert Locknut" - McMaster #91831a411
Cut, drill, and tap the slides to roughly 150mm (6 inches) in length. We used a Dremel rotary tool to cut the bar stock to length, and transferred the hole pattern from the Halo 3D print using a transfer punch. The two holes are tapped using M2.5 x 0.45 mm Thread Tap, McMaster
Cost and speed being the most important design parameters, this DIY method performs as well as a machined part at 100x lower price. Without access to a CNC metal workshop it's surprisingly expensive to have 1-2 parts machined.
Each component has suggested orientation and print settings for the best performance and least print time. Proceed to the 3D print section for information on each print: 3D Printing Part Reference
The NorthStar headset has three main sub-assemblies: the optics bracket, the electronics tray, and the adjustable headgear.
(see below for alternate headgear with torsion hinge)
1) Verify the aluminum bar stock slides without resistance inside the 3D printed hinges. Tip: Repeatedly sliding the bar stock quickly through a new hinge clears out any obtrusive burs, and the heat generated shapes the plastic.
2) Disassemble old hinges from headgear, set aside the o-rings:
3) Assemble new hinge as shown below, using screw/nut H
. Tighten until the o-ring is still visible and the hinge has considerable resistance turning.
4) Slide hinge onto headgear, aligning with front of track. Lock in place using screw F